Clippers Quay has reached its highest point of construction.

The milestone has been marked by a ‘Topping Out’ ceremony which took place at Clippers Quay Salford on Tuesday 27 June.

The project one of the largest build-to-rent developments in the UK and is being delivered by developer Amstone  for residential landlord Grainger and constructed by Sir Robert McAlpine.

Even on a grey day in Salford, spirits were not dampened with attendance from Homes & Communities Agency’s chief executive and chairman, Nick Walkley and Sir Edward Lister, Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett and chief executive Jim Taylor, alongside Grainger’s chief executive Helen Gordon, managing director Adnan Siddiqi of Amstone, the developer, Richard McAlpine of Sir Robert McAlpine and Rory O’Connor and the team at RoC Consulting.